EEG Systems

Founded in March 2013, Wearable Sensing is a growing, California-based limited liability company focused on the development of wearable sensing technology and its potential applications.

Wearable Sensing has signed a license agreement with Quantum Applied Science and Research (QUASAR) to commercialize its sensor technology for non-medical applications. QUASAR has developed the highest quality dry sensors on the market. These sensors are capable of measuring EEG, EOG, ECG, and EMG in ambulatory environments with minimal interference from motion and electrical artifacts.

These practical, high-fidelity systems are opening the door to many innovative applications in commercial domains.

Wearable Sensing’s EXG and Biosensing Technologies can be applied to a wide array of different applications. 

Neuroscience And Psychology Research

Conduct research in naturalistic environments with wireless, high-fidelity dry electrodes and high-density EEG headsets.

Neurofeedback And Peak Performance

Improve efficiency and client retention with gel-free, fast and easy set-up, and comfortable headsets.

Neuromarketing And NeuroErgonomics

Unravel mental workload and engagement with Mobile EEG and versatile cognitive gauges integrated into a turnkey solution for presentation, acquisition and analysis software.

Brain-Computer Interface

Our practical artifact resistant EEG headsets enable wide range of applications in VR, AR, MR, and the real-world!


Multimodal integrated wearable physiological sensor suite with IMU motion tracking delivers state-of-the-arts ergonomics research in a fully-integrated platform

Custom Solutions

Accelerate your product development by leveraging our team’s core science and engineering expertise in high performance wearable physiological sensing.

The Qualisys motion capture system.

The Qualisys motion capture system.


MOVIT System

Solutions for Human Movement

EEG Systems

Tea logo

CAPTIV software and wireless sensors

AMTI Force Plates


Smart eye

Human Insight AI

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